Firm News
Speaking Engagements
"The IRS Assault on Real Estate Investors - How to Fight Back"
Presented by Philip Garrett Panitz
For: AOA "Million Dollar" Trade Show and Landlord Conference
Date: October 17, 2012
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Los Angeles Convention Center, "West Hall B", 1201 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California
"Hot Topics in IRS Tax Litigation"
Presented by Philip Garrett Panitz - Keynote Speaker
For: 10th Annual CPA Forum
Date: May 23, 2012
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: Ventura Beach Marriott, 2055 E. Harbor Boulevard, Ventura, California
"The IRS Assault on Real Estate Investors - How to Fight Back"
Presented by Philip Garrett Panitz
For: Trade Show and Landlord Conference
Date: May 15, 2012
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Long Beach Convention Center, Hall C, 300 East Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, California
"Hot Topics
"IRS Audit Sweep on Real Estate Investors"
Presented by Philip Garrett Panitz, Esq.
Date: February 17, 2011
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Check in will begin at 9:30 am)
Location: Apartment Owners Association of California, San Fernando Valley Office, 6445 Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 300, Van Nuys, California 91411.
- Learn the two major hurdles every real estate investor must jump before the IRS will show any tax deductions related to rental real estate;
- Understand why the term "Real Estate Professional" is crucial to taking tax deductions, and the term is not what it appears to be;
- Understand the difference between the 750 hour test required for being a Real Estate Professional, and the 500 hour test for Material Participation.
"IRS Audit Sweep on Real Estate Investors" / "Executive Compensation: What's Reasonable? and "Real Estate Sales Tax Provision in Health Care Bill"
Presented by Philip Garrett Panitz, Esq.
For: Nevada State Society of Enrolled Agents
Date: November 19, 2010
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Check in will begin at 8:30 am)
Venue: Palace Station Casino and Hotel
2411 W. Sahara Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Located at the intersection of Sahara Avenue and the I-15 Freeway
Why Most Business Succession Plans Fail and How to Plan To Avoid Failure (2hrs CPE/MCLE)
Presenter: Kenneth W. Kossoff, Esq.
Date: 01/26/10
Time: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Location: 5743 Corsa Ave., Suite 208, Westlake Village, CA
RSVP to: Debbie Largey via e-mail: or by calling 818-865-0766
How to Avoid Trust Planning Pitfalls When Planning for Clients with Pets
Kenneth W. Kossoff will present an educational seminar to San Fernando Valley Bar Association, Probate Section members discussing the new California pet trust law.
Date: April 13, 2010
Time: 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Location: Glen Restaurant - Monterey Room, Encino, CA
For more information, please contact:
Debbie Largey via e-mail: or by calling our office 818-865-0766
Past Speaking Engagements
Practical Issues in Trust Administration (2 hr CPE/MCLE)
Presenter: Kenneth W. Kossoff, Esq.
Date: 12/03/09
Time: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Location: 5743 Corsa Ave., Suite 208, Westlake Village, CA
RSVP to: Debbie Largey via e-mail: or by calling 818-865-0766
Planning Opportunities Created by Roth IRA Conversions (1 hr CPE/MCLE)
Presenter: Robert S. Keebler, CPA, MST, DAEP
Date: 12/09/09
Time: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Location: 5743 Corsa Ave., Suite 208, Westlake Village, CA
RSVP to: Debbie Largey via e-mail: or by calling 818-865-0766
How to Avoid Trust Planning Pitfalls When Planning for Clients with Pets (3 hrs CPE/MCLE)
Kenneth W. Kossoff will present an educational seminar to an audience of CPAs and Attorneys discussing the new California pet trust law.
Date: Wednesday, October, 21, 2009
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Expert Presence conference room and teleconference, 21900 Burbank Blvd., Third Floor, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
RSVP (for in-person or teleconference participation) to:
Dali Chachashvili via e-mail: of by calling 818-992-2929
New Law Empowers Pet Owners to Protect Pets
Kenneth W. Kossoff will present an educational presentation for pet owners and animal care organizations discussing the new California pet trust law.
Date: October 28, 2009
Time 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Location: 21900 Burbank Blvd., 3rd Floor, Conference Room, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
RSVP (for in-person or teleconference participation) to:
Debbie Largey via e-mail: Debbie@pktaxlaw.comor by calling our office 818-865-0766
“How to Keep your client out of IRS Tax Court”
Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., Irvine Marriott California Society of CPA’s, Orange County/Long Beach Chapter
Mr. Panitz will talk about IRS real estate audits, hobby losses, excess compensation and preparer penalties to this audience of Southern California CPA’s.
All About Trusts (3 hrs CPE/MCLE)
presented by Kenneth W. Kossoff and Jacob Stein
Date/Time: August, 2009; 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: 21900 Burbank Blvd., Third Floor, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Description: All About Trusts focuses exclusively on trusts, beginning with a general overview of trust laws and structures, then delving into common every-day structures and progressing into advanced planning with trusts. You'll learn advanced planning techniques related to income, gift and estate tax planning using trusts; estate planning; succession planning; special needs planning; pet trust planning; and asset protection uses of most common trusts. Living trusts, qualified personal residence trusts, life insurance trusts, grantor annuity trusts, special needs trusts, pet trusts, foreign trusts, dynasty trusts and defective grantor trusts will be covered.
“IRS Audit Sweep on Real Estate Investors”
California Society of Enrolled Agents, San Diego Chapter Monday, August 17, 2009 1:00 – 4:00 p.m., National University of San Diego, San Diego California tab under Education and Events).
Federal tax litigation attorney Philip Garrett Panitz will discuss the current IRS enforcement program against real estate investors, and provide tax professional with guidance on how to prepare clients for defending an IRS audit in this area.
Estate Planning for Families with Pets
(1.5 hrs CPE) presented by Kenneth W. Kossoff
My articles on California’s new pet trust statute have been featured in both Los Angeles Lawyerand
California Lawyermagazines earlier this year. Click on publication name in blue to view.Date/Time: August 25, 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. or August 27, 5:30-7:00p.m.
Location: 5743 Corsa Ave., Suite 208, Westlake Village, CA 91362
Description: Estate Planning for Families with Pets focuses on a new statute in California that can provide peace of mind for pet owners who want to ensure their dogs, cats, horses, etc. are taken care of after the owner's death or incapacity. Before 2009, pet trusts were not enforceable in California, meaning there were no guarantees that funds allocated for the care of a pet would be properly applied, because there was no assurance that California courts would enforce pet trusts. All of that has now changed, which is very good news to pet lovers. This presentation will also address some of the issues that professional/institutional trustees likely will have in deciding whether to agree to act as trustee of pet trusts given some of the quirks of California’s pet trust statute.
“The IRS Assault on Real Estate Investors: How to Fight Back”
Real Estate Club of Los Angeles Teleconference December, 2008
Phyllis Rockower, President of the Real Estate Investors Club of Los Angeles, interviewed Mr. Panitz on how an investor can defend their tax deductions if the IRS questions real estate-related tax filings.
“Now That I am a Successor Trustee, What Do I Do?”
presented by Kenneth W. Kossoff
I often have been asked " W hat am I getting myself into by agreeing to act as a Trustee?" or " W hat am I doing to my friends by naming them as Trustee of my trust?" So I have decided to do a couple of small presentations about this subject. My workshop is designed to educate my clients, as well as their advisors and the people they have named in their plan, about a trustee's key responsibilities. Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Time: 5:30 p.m.- 7:00 p.m.
Location: 5743 Corsa Ave., Suite 208, Westlake Village, CA 91362
RSVP with Debbie at 818-865-0766 or via e-mail:
(RSVP in advance - seating is limited)
“All About Trusts”
esented by
Kenneth W. Kossoff
and Jacob Stein
This seminar will begin with a general overview of trust laws and structures, then delve into common every-day structures and progress into advanced planning with trusts. You'll learn advanced planning techniques related to income, gift and estate tax planning using trusts; estate planning; succession planning; retirement planning; special needs planning; pet trust planning, charitable planning; and asset protection uses of most common trusts.
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: 21900 Burbank Blvd., Third Floor, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Credits:(3 hrs CPE/MCLE)
RSVP with Anna Yoffe at 818-992-2929 or via e-mail
(RSVP in advance – seating is limited)
“Now That I am a Successor Trustee, What Do I Do?”
presented by Kenneth W. Kossoff
I often have been asked " W hat am I getting myself into by agreeing to act as a Trustee?" or " W hat am I doing to my friends by naming them as Trustee of my trust?" So I have decided to do a couple of small presentations about this subject. My workshop is designed to educate my clients, as well as their advisors and the people they have named in their plan, about a trustee's key responsibilities.
Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009
Time: 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.
Location : 5743 Corsa Ave., Suite 208, Westlake Village, CA 91362
RSVP with Debbie at 818-865-0766 or via e-mail:
(RSVP in advance - seating is limited)
“IRS Audit Sweep on Real Estate Investors”
National Association of Tax Professionals NATP Annual Conference, July 20 – 23, 2009, Reno, Nevada Federal tax litigation attorney Philip Garrett Panitz will discuss the current IRS enforcement program against real estate investors, and provide tax professional with guidance on how to prepare clients for defending an IRS audit in this area.
Now That I am a Successor Trustee, What Do I Do? (1.5 hrs CPE)
presented by Kenneth W. Kossoff
Date/Time: July 23, 2009; 4:00p.m.-5:30p.m.
Location: 5743 Corsa Ave., Suite 208, Westlake Village, CA 91362
Description: I often have been asked "What am I getting myself into by agreeing to act as a Trustee?" or "What am I doing to my friends by naming them as Trustee of my trust?" So I have decided to do a couple of small presentations about this subject. This workshop is designed to educate my clients, as well as their advisors and the people they have named in their plan, about a trustee's key responsibilities.
Media Coverage
"Captive insurance: Avoiding the risks" by Philip Garrett Panitz, Journal of Accountancy, June 2018

In this article, Mr. Panitz addresses the risks that are involved with captive insurance and how to avoid them.
"Captive Insurance Can Bring Windfall to Physicians" by Erica Sprey, July 2016

Erica Sprey interviews Philip Panitz about captive insurance and its benefits.
"Higher stakes for tax treatment of rental real estate" by Philip Garrett Panitz, Journal of Accountancy, November 2013

In this article, Mr. Panitz is helping clients to manage both the new net investment income tax and passive loss limitations.
"Executive Compensation: What's Reasonable ?" by Philip Garrett Panitz, Journal of Accountancy, June 2009
Philip Garrett Panitz addresses executive compensation, one of the biggest and potentially most dangerous tax issues facing public and private corporations. Because employee compensation is deductible but distributions are not, the IRS can scrutinize claimed deductions for compensation to owner/shareholders of C corporations and recharacterize amounts as distributions
California Lawyer, May 2009 Issue Boning Up On Pet Trusts
by Kenneth W. Kossoff
Ken Kossoff writes a feature opinion piece on the new California pet trust stature in May 2009 edition of California Lawyer Magazine. Follow this link for complete opinion piece
Los Angeles Lawyer, February 2009, The New Pet Trust Statue is Certain to Dog The Judiciary by Kenneth W. Kossoff.
Kenneth W. Kossoff writes a feature opinion piece on the new California pet trust statute in the February 2009 issue of Los Angeles Lawyer Magazine .
Follow this link for complete opinion piece
“Real Estate Professionals Say IRS Snares Them by Mistake”
Senior tax litigator Philip Garrett Panitz quoted extensively in the Wall Street Journal regarding the IRS project against real estate investors and real estate professionals.